GPS logbook – an explanation

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If the company car is also used privately, this must be reported separately to the tax office. Various regulations can be used to determine this; these trips can be documented precisely using a flat rate or with a corresponding logbook . The logbook is carefully checked by the tax office and must meet certain requirements in order to be valid. This is the only way to clearly explain the actual usage shares in the tax return. In order to meet all requirements of the tax office, it is necessary that all employees store the relevant information for each private trip and commercial trip in the logbook. Care and consistency are particularly important here.

Need for electronic logbook

The logbook kept must meet certain requirements in form and content in order to be recognized by the tax office.notebook at white background 2021 08 26 17 29 39 utc 496x400 - GPS logbook - an explanation


The logbook must be designed in a comprehensible manner, so changes and corrections are not welcome. If something needs to be changed, it is important to mark this accordingly in the logbook

Closed form

Changes and corrections that are made subsequently must be clearly marked in logbooks. A manually kept paper logbook must be bound so that no single page can be removed.

Ongoing connection

Every trip, private or commercial, requires complete recording; this is the only way the tax office can understand everything. A logbook always contains all relevant data about the vehicle, driver and the trip . First, the vehicle’s license plate number is noted, as well as the driver’s full name. In addition, the mileage at the start and end of the trip must be entered in the logbook, as well as the date of the trip.

Timely documentation

Trips must be recorded in the logbook immediately after the trip .

Correct marking of trips

In the logbook, a distinction must be made between different trips with the company car, as these are taken into account differently. A basic distinction is made between private trips and commercial trips. In addition, journeys between household and work must be recorded separately in the logbook .


GPS tracking and logbook

Manual logbooking is still a source of error; if it is not kept absolutely correctly, it cannot be valid proof of the recording of journeys. If you want to avoid time-consuming management, an electronic logbook is a simpler and very precise solution. In companies with a large fleet and changing drivers, electronic logbooking with GPS is necessary in order to use software to distinguish business trips from private trips; this is done digitally without much effort. In addition to overhauling manual logbooks, an electronic logbook with GPS also offers the company the function of locating all vehicles in the company and their use by employees.



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For this purpose, the company cars are equipped with a GPS transmitter , which is provided with a SIM card , so the current location can be retrieved at any time via tracking and the vehicle can be tracked. GPS transmitters work with the Global Positioning System, this satellite system offers worldwide coverage, so information can be sent from any location, which is recorded and stored in the provider’s portal. With this product, the driver no longer has to keep a logbook.

Using GPS trackers across the entire fleet has many other benefits for companies. GPS trackers for vehicles can also provide data about consumption and travel time of individual vehicles for reading. In addition, in the event of theft or unauthorized use, vehicle tracking can locate the car.

Additional alarm functions offer particular safety for the vehicle and driver. The company premises can be virtually fenced off, so every vehicle that leaves or enters the premises triggers a notification. These tracking systems offer full control, all data can be evaluated in order to carry out optimizations.


Alarme im GPS-Tracking

In addition to an electronic logbook in the app, users and drivers benefit from further advantages through GPS tracking and location. The GPS transmitter’s alarms can be customized to suit your needs. An SOS button helps in an emergency and sends the current location to a set phone number. A vibration alarm warns of theft and unauthorized entry into the vehicle . If the battery is running low or the GPS transmitter is unplugged, the user will also receive a notification on their smartphone .


Set up GPS logbook

In order to set up an electronic logbook and also use vehicle tracking , a GPS transmitter is required in the interior of the vehicle in question. This should be placed as hidden as possible to protect it from theft, but it must still be freely accessible if the battery needs to be replaced or charged. There are also models available that are permanently connected to the vehicle’s battery, so they are always optimally supplied with power.

After the correct placement, the appropriate app for the GPS logbook can be downloaded onto the smartphone . Registration now takes place in order to use the full scope of the logbook. After completing the registration via email, the settings can be adjusted according to your wishes, and the required alarms and fences can also be set individually. With an electronic logbook via app, there is no need to keep a classic logbook and proof for the tax office is complete as every private trip can be recorded.

Advantages of the electronic logbook solution

When filing taxes with the tax office, it is important to separate private trips from business trips as precisely as possible. A manual logbook is time-consuming, can be manipulated and the entry can be forgotten.

However, the electronic logbook in the app is written automatically and records all relevant data, from the start of the journey to the destination, including all stops. In many industries, this time recording also replaces classic clocking at work. Since the data is recorded in real time , this software cannot be manipulated. The logbooks for the tax office are therefore always available in an unchangeable form and all entries are stored directly using GPS devices.

Through the complete documentation in the logbook app and in the provider’s portal, further data can be determined and evaluated. This gives the owner of the business or the manager of the fleet the opportunity to optimize and adapt ongoing processes, to compare and check specifications.

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