Senior-friendly living: age-appropriate facility

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For the majority of people, it is particularly important to lead an independent life even in old age. You want to stay in your own apartment for as long as possible. In order for living in old age to offer maximum comfort, the apartment or house must be adapted to the needs and need for care. It is also important that the senior apartment does not restrict mobility for older people .

The keyword for an age-appropriate life is barrier-free. Anyone who redesigns their own four walls in a timely manner will receive a barrier-free environment. Many older people who need care would like to stay at home; one alternative, for example, is a supervised senior shared apartment. A corresponding care contract is concluded for living in senior shared apartments or senior residences, but very few people want to leave their own home in old age.

Renovate age-appropriately and live barrier-free

Seniors’ problems often increase with age, they limit their lifestyle and are confronted with stumbling blocks. If you don’t want to live in assisted living, you have to redesign your own living area and renew a few things.

It is particularly important that there is enough space to move around, for example with a walker. In addition, sturdy handrails can be installed in the house and outside to provide additional protection.

The existing controls, such as light switches or door handles, must be adjusted for maximum comfort. Light switches with extra lighting are more visible, conventional handles can be exchanged for longer fittings and are therefore easier to grasp. A pull-out worktop is suitable for a barrier-free cooking area ; important facilities must be accessible without bending over.

Protect older people with GPS


People in need of care need suitable sleeping accommodation; it is important that the bed is accessible from three sides to make care easier. Additionally, a stair lift can be installed if the bedroom is not easily accessible on foot.

There are various legal requirements for barrier-free living, which include minimum technical requirements  for age-appropriate living: If the apartment is to be completely barrier-free and therefore also suitable for people with wheelchairs, it must be fully usable with a wheelchair . The requirements of DIN 18040-2 R apply to this.  You can find a corresponding checklist online with points that need to be taken into account. In a barrier-free environment, seniors have the chance to lead their lives independently.

Barrier-free bathroom for an age-appropriate conversion of the seniors’ apartment

The bathroom must also be designed to be barrier-free so that people can look after themselves for a long time. This includes, among other things, a floor-level, non-slip shower with enough space , and a movement radius of 120 x 120 cm in front of the toilet and sink should be taken into account. Grab bars can be flexibly attached wherever they are needed, for example next to the toilet, in the shower area or next to the sink. The toilet needs to be adjusted; as you get older, the appropriate seat height also changes; it is easier to get up from a high toilet on your own. Suitable tiles should be used for the floor and also for wet areas; there are special materials that are non-slip and offer more protection. You may be able to apply for funding and receive a subsidy for these renovations . The following points are important : The shower must be level with the floor and the movement areas must be designed in accordance with DIN standard  18040  .

Apply for KFW and other funding opportunities for barrier-free construction

When renovating and also when receiving funding, the ownership structure must be taken into account. If structural measures are carried out in a rented apartment, these must be coordinated with the landlord, otherwise the landlord can demand dismantling . If there is an acute need for care, the person themselves or a relative can apply for a care level. In this case, the person’s health status is checked and a level of care is then assigned that makes everyday life easier in old age. The care level is an aid; the family receives financial support, and people with disabilities and restrictions are also entitled to subsidies. Depending on the level of care, you will receive up to 4,000 euros from the health insurance company , depending on the level of care and the federal state.

Senior-friendly living, security in everyday life


If their health deteriorates, many people think about a place in a nursing home; social organizations offer relatives good help and advice. When it comes to increasing living comfort and making the apartment barrier-free, the health insurance company is a good place to start. It provides information on the required movement areas and explains how, for example, mobile nursing staff can be employed.

The health insurance company also provides you with checklists with the most important requirements; here you can find out more about measures to improve the living environment  . In addition, the consumer advice center helps to determine the appropriate funding program . The amount of the grants is between 200 and  6,250 euros , in this case 2,000 euros must be invested. Up to  50,000 euros can be financed for appropriate age-appropriate modernization measures.

The advice center for people with limited mobility offers support, and specialists provide information about care services and how to design an age-appropriate apartment.

Senior-friendly living and protection for seniors in their living environment

With age, the tendency of seniors to wander away also increases ; it can also happen that people can no longer find their way home immediately after a walk or are confused. Aside from the topic of age-appropriate living and age-appropriate renovations, there is more that can be done so that seniors can go about their everyday lives safely without having to receive around-the-clock care. In order to better protect older family members, GPS trackers , also known as GPS trackers for seniors   , which always reveal the current location, are suitable. Using GPS, the family has the opportunity to track the senior in real time . All you need is your smartphone that you connect to the tracking device. This gives relatives the chance to quickly locate the affected person in an emergency. High-quality devices also offer a fall alarm that reacts to vibrations, and seniors can also press an emergency button to request help.

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