Car first aid kit – first aid on the go

Erste-Hilfe-Set Auto

A first aid kit in the car is mandatory, you also have to pay attention to the contents and check them properly, nothing should be missing. Because only with a complete first aid kit can you provide help in an emergency and be well prepared. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a bus, car or truck, the first aid kit is mandatory in every vehicle. It contains important materials so that in an emergency you can immediately provide first aid at the scene of an accident . But what can happen if the first aid kit is missing in the car and what exactly belongs in there?

Is a first-aid kit mandatory in Germany?

According to Section 35h of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (STVZO), a first-aid kit is required in the vehicle and must comply with DIN 13164. This DIN specifies what exactly must be contained in first aid kits. Once an item is removed from the first aid kit, it will soon need to be refilled. The individual components can be purchased separately so that the box is quickly complete again, meaning it is possible to put together your own first aid material. However, if you don’t yet have a first aid kit in your car, it is better to buy a new, fully packed box according to DIN standards instead of purchasing the products individually. Buying a new box is less complicated and also cheaper ; it is sold for a few euros.

If the first aid kit for the car has expired, i.e. its shelf life of around five years has been exceeded, it must be replaced. The expiry date can vary, so it’s a good idea to check your first aid kits regularly .

First aid kit car

However, if the box in the car has exceeded its shelf life, it does not have to be thrown away; most of it can be used in your own home, for example the plasters. The Red Cross is also happy about this donation; they are using it for training purposes.

Things that must be included in the vehicle first aid kit

The contents of the first aid kit are not listed in the regulation; they are based on DIN 13164 and §35 h . However, anyone who carries an older first aid kit does not have to replace it until the expiry date has passed. Since 2014, only first aid kits that comply with DIN have been allowed to be carried. When you buy a new car , these are included as they are mandatory equipment for every vehicle.

The first aid kit belongs in every car. If it is incomplete or completely missing, this deficiency can be punished with a fine during a traffic stop by the police . In this case, there are penalties of around five euros if there is no first aid kit .

It is not mandatory to carry a first aid kit on a motorcycle, as there is not enough space for it. However, there are compact versions of such a box on the market that motorcyclists can take with them in order to be ready in an emergency and to be able to react correctly as a first aider .

The DIN standard clearly states what must be in the first-aid kit, because it contains the most important materials in an emergency:

Bandage packs in three different sizes, bandage cloths in two different sizes, four quick wound bandages, five fixing bandages in different sizes, a triangular bandage or bandage cloth in two different designs, as well as six compresses. In addition, a rescue blanket must be included, as well as an adhesive plaster, various plasters, first aid scissors, four disposable gloves, two wet wipes for cleaning and an associated brochure. Carrying two face masks has been mandatory since February 1, 2022 ; this regulation finally came into force in 2023. Two masks have been mandatory since February, these can be medical or FFP2 masks.

Additional items that are helpful in a car emergency

If the appropriate first aid material is taken with you in the event of an emergency, the people on site can use the bandages to treat the first injured. However, you must observe some legal requirements , for example you must not put yourself in danger and you must always respect self-protection . But first aid kits aren’t the only thing that can be helpful in emergency situations. Anyone who equips their vehicle with a GPS tracker for cars can quickly call for help at any time. GPS devices are integrated into most new cars, but can easily be retrofitted. In this case, they are either plugged in directly and connected to the car’s electricity, or they are taken with you and charged at home. GPS trackers work with the help of satellite signals, which are sent out at regular intervals and the device can use the data to calculate its own position.

First Aid Cabinets Car Duty

This information is always updated and stored on the provider’s server. In addition to many different functions, the SOS button is particularly helpful. The user can activate this in an emergency situation, so a third person is informed about the incident and also receives the associated coordinates. In this case, the driver does not have to pay attention to whether he currently has sufficient cell phone reception for a phone call; the GPS system sends this data immediately.

In addition to the GPS tracker and a valid, durable first aid kit, it is helpful if the driver regularly attends a first aid course. As a rule, every driver’s license candidate completes this at least once, but the responsible authorities recommend that it be refreshed every three years . It is therefore not only relevant whether there is a first aid kit and whether it has expired, the driver also needs to know how to use the materials in the situation.

For additional safety on the road, you can become a member of an automobile club , such as the ADAC . With a membership card you can get the help you need in every situation, even abroad. If an accident occurs in which only material damage is caused, you can contact your automobile club, which will help you find a workshop and also provide a rental car.

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